Alpine Cockroach Gel Bait Rotation box(4 x 30 gram tubes)
Spot Treatment
To apply gel, remove cap from tip of applicator tube. Apply gel in a 3 to 6 millimeter diameter spot (0.25 to 0.50 gram). Approximately 10 spots per 100 square feet are recommended for use under conditions with low to moderate infestation. For more severe infestations, approximately 20 spots per 100 square feet are recommended. Apply many spots in areas of roach traffic and suspected harborage. Numerous small application spots are preferable to fewer larger application spots. Bait may be placed on top of or prior to non-repellent insecticide applications.
DO NOT treat food preparation surfaces. DO NOT apply gels to areas that have been recently sprayed with a repellent insecticide. DO NOT spray repellent insecticide products over gel placements as this may make gel repellent and reduce its effectiveness. DO NOT place treatments in locations where routine cleaning might remove bait or transfer bait to food or food preparation surfaces.
This product will stick to surfaces that are not dusty or greasy. Reapply if gel placements are no longer visible and/or reinfestation occurs. Replace cap when finished dispensing gel. Use paper towel to remove unwanted bait placements and then discard in trash.
Crack & Crevice Treatment
This product can be applied as spots or as a line along cracks and crevices. Gel bait should be applied directly into cracks and crevices where insects hide. Place the applicator tip directly into cracks and crevices and deposit gel in small spots or in a continuous bead. Bait should be in the void area and not on open or exposed surfaces.
Food Handling Establishments
Application within food areas of food handling establishments is limited to cracks and crevices where insects hide. To apply gel, remove cap from tip of applicator tube. Apply gel in a 3 to 6 millimeter diameter bead (0.25 to 0.50 gram). Approximately 10 bait placements per 100 square feet are recommended for use under conditions with low to moderate infestation. For more severe infestations, approximately 20 bait placements per 100 square feet are recommended. Numerous small applications are preferable to fewer larger applications. Bait should not be used in open areas or on surfaces where contamination of food or food handling equipment may occur. Replace cap when finished dispensing gel.
Reapply gel if previous applications are no longer visible and/or reinfestation occurs.
Applications in Aircraft
Application within passenger areas of aircraft is limited to Crack & Crevice treatment only. Apply in areas between elements of construction (such as areas under sinks, openings around pipes, under shelving, where shelving meets other shelves or the wall, area between and around microwaves, where support braces attach to the main structure, and where seats are attached to the floor). Apply 10 to 20 bait spots per 100 square feet as described above. DO NOT apply bait to areas where food, utensils, or food preparation surfaces may become contaminated. DO NOT apply bait to areas that are routinely washed such as cracks and crevices in tops of tables, food preparation, and food holding surfaces as bait may be removed by washing. Care should be taken to avoid depositing gel onto exposed surfaces. If gel contacts an exposed surface, remove gel and wash exposed surface. During follow-up visits, inspect bait placements and reapply when previous applications are no longer visible and/or reinfestation occurs. DO NOT apply any bait in cockpit area.
Outdoor Use
Use for control of cockroaches. Inject into cracks and crevices around windows and doors, porches, screens, eaves, patios, garages, under stairways, and other areas adjacent to structures where cockroaches may find harborage.